Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The following are the observed holidays for the year 2016

January  1, 2016
New Year's Day
January  2, 2016
January 18, 2016
Martin Luther King's Birthday
February 15, 2016
President's Day
March 25,2016  
Good Friday (Viernes Santo) 
May 30, 2016
Memorial Day
July  4, 2016
Independence Day
September 5, 2016
Labor Day
October 10, 2016
Columbus Day
November 11, 2016
Veterans Day
November 24, 2016
Thanksgiving Day
November 26, 2016
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 23, 2016
December 26, 2016
Christmas Day
December 30, 2016
New Year Evening



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Or the most expensive? (BusinessWeek)

Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Or the most expensive? For U.S. stores of all sizes, the full months of November and December can account for as much as 30 percent of a retailer's annual sales, according to the National Retail Federation. This year is no different. NRF estimates that holiday sales will increase 3.7 percent to $630.5 billion, compared to last year's 4.1 percent growth. Another record predicted for this year? Customers will shop 'til they drop from the comfort of their mobile phones. The NRF predicts online sales will increase up to 8 percent to $105 billion this year.

Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data. NRF tallies retail industry sales from November and December - 61 days - to determine holiday sales.
Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data. NRF tallies retail industry sales from November and December - 61 days - to determine holiday sales.

Fewer people have expressed concern about the U.S. economy affecting their plans to fill their shopping carts this season. Only about 34 percent of people surveyed in NRF's report expressed concern. That marks a major reversal from 2009, when national holiday spending was just $503 billion as nearly two thirds of Americans felt the economy's pinch. 

Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data

Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data

Who gets the best gifts on your holiday list? NRF data show that most of your budget has always been spent on family members. On average this year, shoppers will spend $480.28 on gifts for their families. Friends have not been as lucky. For the past four years, shoppers have spent more money on candy and food to celebrate the holiday season than on gifts for their best buds.

Babysitters, the mailman and pets used to make out like bandits during the holiday season, but in 2011 these gift recipients lost out in favor of co-workers and decorations. Poor mailman: Delivering all these mail-order presents and getting so little in return!

Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Data for 'gifts for family' is not included in the chart above.

Source: National Retail Federation, derived from Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Data for 'gifts for family' is not included in the chart above.

With holiday sales expected to surpass $630 billion, let's look at what budgets U.S. shoppers have set. Data from WalletHub says it depends on where they live. Consider yourself lucky if you have an uncle in Palo Alto. In a city where the median household income is just over $120,000, and residents live a 15-minute car ride away from Apple headquarters, Palo Alto shoppers have an average holiday shopping budget of $2,886 per person. Shoppers in Texas cities like Sugar Land and Frisco are also spending the big bucks- both around $2,400 per person. Other cities might be full of scrooges. Chesapeake, Virginia and New Haven, Connecticut, for example, have above-average median household incomes, but their residents spend less than the $805.65 average when it comes to holiday shopping.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Join the Fun This Thursday! SFTA

The South Florida Technology Alliance is ready for the Season with our
Holiday Extravaganza!
Join us this Thursday as the tech community comes to celebrate.

WHEN: Thursday, December 10th, 2015, 6:00 PM
WHERE: Cendyn Building Atrium, 980 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33432
REGISTRATION: $25.00 by December 9th; $35.00 December 10th

Join us for a fun time of networking and music as we celebrate the season! The evening includes:
  • One free drink
  • Hor d'oeuvres, finger foods
  • Cash bar
  • Raffles
  • DJ with variety of music
  • And More!


Monday, December 7, 2015

El desafío de la violencia política contra la mujer: MiamiDadeCollege

 Image result for Miami Dade College


El desafío de la violencia política contra la mujer

Segundo Foro en español del Ciclo "La Mujer y su Emancipación"

ESCRITORAS INVITADAS:       Pilar Vélez: "El Expreso del Sol"
                                                   Patricia Poleo: "Fugitiva en Rosa".

        Vilma Petrash-Temas de Mujer (Tv)
                                                   Nina Fuentes-(AKA Nina Dotti) Canal de Protesta 
                                                   Christina Balinotti-La Mujer Holística (Ensayo)
                                                  Jenny Villasana-El Carrusel de los Sueños (Radio)
                                                   Fefi Toll-Directora Cada 15 Segundos.org

MODERADORA:                       María Elena Lavaud-Autora de
                                                  “Tatuaje de lágrimas” y “La Habana sin tacones”

FECHA Y HORA: Miércoles 8 De Diciembre, 6:00 Pm


Wolfson Campus Miami Dade College
Edif. 6; Planta Baja,  Sala 6100
300 NE, 2nd Av. Miami

ESTACIONAMIENTO GRATUITO: Garage de Wolfson Campus en la calle 5 NE, entre 1a y 2da Av.


Nota: Las autoras venderán y firmaran autógrafos de algunos de sus libros al concluir el evento

Juan A BlancoGil
Juan Antonio Blanco Gil (PhD)
Executive Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Initiatives
Miami Dade College / Wolfson Campus
300 NE 2nd Avenue, Room 1402, Miami, Florida, 33132-2297
Phone: 1-305-237-3944
Cell Phone: 1-305-975-3248

Friday, December 4, 2015

¿Ese comentario en línea es verdadero? Mira este video.

Si te pareces a mí, es posible que antes de empezar con las compras para las fiestas, hacer planes de vacaciones o incluso antes de contratar un plomero, te fijes en los comentarios publicados en internet. Leer las opiniones de otra gente puede ser muy útil para analizar tus decisiones — especialmente antes de sacar de tu bolsillo el dinero que te ganas con esfuerzo.

¿Pero sabías que alguna gente recibe un pago a cambio de decir cosas buenas sobre una compañía, producto o servicio? Eso significa que no siempre puedes saber con seguridad si alguien está dando una opinión veraz e imparcial. La ley dice que la gente que publica comentarios debe ser franca respecto de su conexión con una compañía — pero hay alguna gente que no lo es.
Es útil leer los comentarios, pero tómalos con pinzas. Para estar seguro de tener el panorama completo, esta temporada de fiestas compara comentarios de una variedad de sitios y fuentes confiables. Y para enterarte de otras recomendaciones útiles, échale un vistazo a este video:
online reviews and recommendations video